
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

aNd wE sTaRt bAck @ oNE...

well its a freaking new year! and for most its time for a fresh start. New year resolutions promises, promises and more promises... but then at the end of the day a change in attitude generally has nothing to do with the number of promises we  make at the beginning of every year. It makes perfect sense to set and write down goals for the year ahead but with those goals should also come fresh approaches/attitudes to our challenges after all Its only a fool that keeps doing the same thing and expects better results. so as you fine tune those resolutions and goals remember its beyond just writing or wishing, we all have to find a deeper source of motivation to keep pushing for these goals to be realised. For me its a chance to re-ignite your interest in my pieces by taking a whole new approach. Have a spectacular 2013!

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