
Monday, November 25, 2013

wiSdoM aCCordiNg to cHiLdreN

I really think that sometimes watching videos like this just puts the real essence of life in perspective. As adults the very things we take for granted are the things little children remind us of.

watch what it feels like when children work together to fight bullying

This kid popularly know as 'Kid President' teaches us the important things in Life we should say often

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Sokleva Interview on +HOLYHOLLA (Rhythm93.7)

We had an amazing time on the show with SOKLEVA last sunday. For those of you ho were wondering what the ROOFTOP MCs have been up to you can find out in the very insightful interview. I personally didn't know he almost became a Reverend Father, and that He auditioned to join the Rooftop MCs. Enjoy!!!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

i Am MaKiNg GoD fAmOus!!! aRe you?

In the last 3 months and by divine orchestration i have found myself Producing and co-hosting a radio show called HolyHolla. A show that celebrates contemporary gospel artistes and music domestically and internationally. This show asides from being a ministry initiative has given me a new sense of fulfillment and purpose. From time to time i will share personal experiences from the show that you will not find on  the shows social platforms. So far the show has featured: Flo, Kennykore, Provabs, PITA, IBKspaceshipboi, Okeysokay, Differentstone among others. I have put together a few of the videos for your viewing and listening pleasure.

Also you can download an audio version of our interview with kenny kore here:

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