
Monday, May 9, 2011

THOR (3D)- my review

THOR 3D directed by  Kenneth Branagh is indeed an extra ordinary blend of a good storyline, action scenes and breathtaking sound & special 3D effects. 
The movie which features Chris Hemsworth ( as thor), Natalie Portman (as Jane Foster), Anthony Hopkins (Odin the god) and Idris Elba (Heimdall the gate keeper) is indeed a good movie, Although through out the movie i couldn't help but notice the Hammer which  bears a striking resemblance to SANGO's staff a Yoruba god who coincidently is also the god of Thunder according to Yoruba mythology. 

THOR is a marvel comic adaptation which is based on the universal god of thunder depicted in the marvel comic series and it tells the tale of the banishment of THOR by his father who is a wise & peace loving king. It also tells an unclear and an unfinished love story between THOR and Jane. The movie which opened over the weekend has so far earned $66million at the box office.

This movie is worth the time and the little inconvenience of the 3D glasses and gets 4-G stamps from me.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

FELA! my experience from behind the scenes II

as promised in my previous post the following are the more shots from behind the scenes:

back stage

lighting setup & testing

cast & crew cocktail welcome reception

As i mentioned in my last post also I am already working on the next big project, and every day that passes my passion brings me closer and closer to an opportunity for adrenaline rush.

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