'The Tenant' movie was selected amongst many as the official closing film at The Mid Atlantic Black Film Festival, an annual juried film festival that showcases the work and talent of independent film makers.
This remarkable and well put together movie has gained major buzz in the United States, UK, Canada and Nigeria.
'The Tenant' has also been selected as the Opening Movie for this years Canadian Black Film Festival.
The movie is scheduled to screen in three days, on Sept. 25th at Eng 103, George Vari Building, Ryerson University at 6:30pm prompt.
For more information please visit www.cbff.ca
The mulitple award winning movie is also set to premiere in Lagos later on this year. Information regarding the premiere will be made available via print media and various online portals.
For more information regarding The Tenant Movie please email prafrica@bobbytaylor.ca
"Are you the Landlord or Tenant of your life?"
- Broken Manacles.
Obinna (Lucky Ejim), an African refugee in Canada, faces deportation in 30 days. When all hope seems lost, a chance confrontation with Timothy, his terminally ill landlord, provides him an opportunity to remain in the country. Timothy who is a former immigration officer makes him a deal; he will intervene in his pending deportation if Obinna finds his estranged daughter Nicole and convinces her to see him one last time before he dies. With the clock ticking, Obinna fights to save his dreams, in the course of which he stumbles on a discovery that will shake the very foundations of his beliefs.