
Monday, April 28, 2014

aBortiONs! is tHere aNy accEptaBLe MoRaL juStificatiON?

sometime things may not always go as planned on a live show, this was the case over the weekend on our radio show Holyholla. It does pay to be prepared and to always have a back up plan for every live event. Our guest on the show showed up really late and at the time he arrived the time allotted the show Holyholla was far spent. We discussed the perception of Abortion within and outside the christian community. Find below a podcast from the show this week. Let me know your thoughts in the comments box.


Monday, April 21, 2014

diMeji IsRaEL, NoT yOuR aVeRage MaEsTRo!

yesterday on the show, we had a very interesting interview with this very little known but accomplished Musician Dimeji Israel. An architect and a Recording Arts Degree Holder from the prestigious SAE Institute, Dimeji Israel has done it all. Even though he has worked with some of the world's best gospel and secular artistes like Helen Baylor, Keith Staten, Marvin Sapp among others, he shies away from mentioning them. He believes strongly that his credibility shouldnt depend on people he has had a history with. Enjoy this interview.

Monday, April 14, 2014

tHe dANcE MaEstRo- sEgUN LaWaL

Once in a while on our show, we are privileged to host great minds that have a way of reminding you of God's awesomeness. That was the case with the President & Founder of Spirit of David, Segun Lawal a.k.a 'PSHEGS'.

The following Rapid Fire Video is an excerpt of the full interview also see the full audio interview we had with him below on the 13th of April, 2014 on HOLYHOLLA. Enjoy it and leave your comments below.

Download our podcast of the full Interview here--
Donwload this Video Clip on your Mobile Phone-

Also follow us on Twitter: @holyholla

Friday, April 4, 2014

xL2LetteRs oN hOLyHoLLa- 6th April, 2014

This sunday Arthur & I will interview a very creative individual, that has been so underrated. tune in to RhythmFM93.7 on your way to or from church and enjoy the show. We have as always 1 hour of non stop contemporary gospel music and a fresh HolyHolla top 5 chat.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

tHe thiNGs tHat mAtteR.. mAysoOn ZaYiD sToRy

i found this TED video very inspiring. Meet Maysoon Zayid, an arab American who has a very inspiring take on living with Cerebral Palsy. The Audience went wild, see why.

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