
Wednesday, July 22, 2015

gOiNg aGaiNsT tHe tiDE!

This tweet from Tera Carissa got me in deep thought about what it truly takes to be an achiever. In reality nobody ever achieved any great feat by doing exactly what every other person around them did. Over the years i have come to one solid conclusion that the common denominator in every winner's life is simply an 'EDGE'. My  childhood gaming days comes to mind as a good example of what it means to have an edge. Back when the video game 'Street Fighter' was a thing i only knew how to use two moves  and one player (Dhalsim) in all my games. He was the grown Avatar looking dude who could Extend punches and kicks beyond his reach, teleport and stay suspended in the air. All i knew to do was throw those long punches and teleport, and i became so good and fast at those two moves that was all i really needed to win.

The story referenced in the tweet above covers the story of a blind man in Jericho named Bartimaeus who during Jesus' visit against all odds and public opinion regained his sight. We only read about him today because he was bold enough to do something about his situation howbeit yelling like a mad man on the streets.
There are 3 things Bartimaeus had that made a difference to his situation which we can also learn from:

1. Information: He had heard of the exploits and knew of the power Jesus carried. He also heard that Jesus was in town, he also recognized the opportunity of a life time.

2. Faith/Conviction: Armed with this information, He was convinced that an encounter with this Jesus would solve his problems. In an era when Miracles and Christ was considered uncool he wasn't ashamed of his Faith and conviction.

3. Tenacity: Against all odds and pressure to be quiet while he called for Jesus to save him he persisted until Jesus heard him and called for him to come close after which he miraculously re-gained his sight.

These three (3) things can be generally summarized in one word: PASSION. what dreams, ideas or courses do you feel driven to achieve? what challenges do you have to contend with on a daily basis?
The story of blind Bartimaeus teaches us that in the choir of life, only people bold enough to sing solos get the chance get noticed..
In the history of humanity, every great man from Einstein to Walt Disney; from Steve Jobs to Mark Zuckerberg; has had to swim against the tide of popular opinion to attain greatness. whatever you find yourself doing sometimes the best path to that destination is the road less travelled.


Monday, July 20, 2015

NiKKiLaOYE oN hOLyHoLLA Ep.#92- 19th JuLy 2015

This week we had the rare privilege to chat with the beautiful singer and dancer- NikkiLaoye. This very sweet and fun lady shared insights about her life, music, childhood, performing with artistes she idolized growing up(listen to find out which) and her Angel4life foundation. One of the things that really struck me was her out of the 'gospel genre' box approach to spreading the gospel.

There is absolutely no doubt that we live in perilous times where just as scriptures foretold, our creed is increasing becoming un-cool thanks in part to the passive approach to spreading the gospel by the christian community. Over decades we may have succeeded in alienating potential believers with our tactless and judgmental approach to spreading the gospel. Even the bibles states that he that winneth souls is wise meaning that a great part of spreading the gospel requires tact. I hope you download and enjoy this engaging interview. Also please leave a comment below after listening.



feel free to follow me on twitter @gozzim for more behind the scenes update on my projects and media activities.

- @gozzim

Monday, July 13, 2015


Addiction to pornography is a very easy and convenient sin. But what does it really do to us.. Listen to what rapper Trip Lee has to say about it.

Hope and Help for the Porn Addict from Desiring God on Vimeo.

source: rapzilla

Sunday, July 12, 2015

ObiCHi oN hoLyHoLLa- Ep. #91

Earlier Arthur and I interviewed this very interesting lady Obichi (pictured above), a budding but very talented artiste. We also in the course of the show had a chat with another maestro IBKSpaceshipboi about his new single #LoversDance available on itunes here. You can download the podcast if you missed the live show on RhythmFM93.7.

kindly leave your comments in the box below.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

bEttER ovEr bittER!

How Difficulty Can Make You Better, Not Bitter
Life is not fair. You will have problems, difficulties, and hurts that will make you better or bitter. You will either grow up or give up. You’ll either become who God wants you to be or your heart will become hard. You have to decide how you are going to respond to the tough times in your life. How will you handle it?
When you go through those difficult times, what happens to you is not nearly as important as what happens in you. That’s what you take into eternity — not the circumstances but your character.
In Acts 27, we learn three ways you shouldn’t respond:
1. Don’t drift. “The ship was caught by the storm and could not head into the wind; so we gave way to it and were driven along” (Acts 27:15 NIV). The ship carrying Paul and other prisoners to Rome was in the middle of the Mediterranean and hadn’t seen the sun for 14 days, so they couldn’t get any bearings, and they started to drift.
When they face difficulty, some people start drifting through life. They have no goal, purpose, ambition, or dream for their life. Today, we call this “coasting.” The problem with coasting is that you’re headed downhill. Life is not a coast. Life’s tough. Don’t lose your ambition or your dream just because life gets hard.

2. Don’t discard. “We took such a violent battering from the storm that the next day they began to throw the cargo overboard” (Acts 27:18). The men in charge needed to lighten the ship, so they threw the cargo overboard, then the tackle and the food. They were discarding things they needed because the storm was so tough.
When you get in a storm and the stress gets unbearable, you tend to start abandoning values and relationships you would not let go of in better times. You say, “I’m giving up on my marriage. I’m giving up on my dream to go to college.”
God says, “Stay with the ship!” Have you done that in your marriage? Have you said, “Divorce is not an option for us. We’re going to make it work.” If you haven’t, you’ll always be tempted to walk out. If you don’t throw away the key, you’ll never develop the character God wants you to have. God can change situations and personalities. He can change you. But he won’t if you’re always abandoning ship! I’ve learned from personal experience that it is never God’s will to run from a difficult situation. God wants you to learn, grow, and develop. Stick with it.

3. Don’t despair. “We finally gave up all hope of being saved” (Acts 27:20). After 14 days in total darkness and after giving up their cargo, tackle, and food, the passengers finally give up hope. But they’d forgotten one thing: Even in a storm, God is in control. He hasn’t left you. You may not feel him, but if you feel far from God, guess who moved?
God is with you in the storm, and he’ll help you through it.

Source: God's dream for your life, Rick Warren.

Monday, July 6, 2015

#elev8day- UPDATED!

Join me for #elev8day on Twitter tomorrow at 5pm as I discuss Gospel Music in Nigeria. Please follow @elevationng & @gozzim to participate.

tiNy You, biG GoD!

Some places will make you realize how tiny you are in the grand scheme of things, yet God made them and us all. Whatever challenges you are facing this week or in your life, remember that in the grand scheme of things God is eternally bigger than your challenges and He will see you through if you let him.


Sunday, July 5, 2015

AyO viNCent oN HolyHolla- 5th July, 2015 Episode 90

5th July, 2015 Episode 90
This week we had an interesting interview with the delectable Ayo Vincent. On a radio tour of her new single- 'HALLELUYAH' featuring Onos, she had so much to say about her music, being a mother and dealing with upholding values amidst societal pressures to be politically correct. Our interview with @ayovincentmusic on ‪#‎holyholla‬ is now availailable for download here- ‪#‎podcast‬

#5: Two Words- @Spiceonthemic f. @protekniks x @provabs x @samjam [1st Week]
#4: Wonder- @ED1Music [2nd Week]
#3: Amazing God- @marshallprinces [3rd Week]
#2: None+U=Me- @nikkilaoye [4th Week]
#1: Yahweh- @joimor [4th Week]

- @gozzim

Wednesday, July 1, 2015


Finally, Daniel’s wisdom also made him a man of great forbearance. He was amazingly tolerant in the biblical sense of the word.

Rightly understood, tolerance is a trait we should all excel in. If tolerance means granting people the right to be wrong, we of all people ought to be known for our tolerance.
Unfortunately, that’s not what tolerance means today. The word has been redefined. It no longer means granting others the right to be wrong. It now means that nobody is wrong. Those who dare to claim that some behaviors are actually morally wrong are written off as intolerant bigots.
While many of us bemoan the intolerance directed toward Bible-believing Christians today, we have no one to blame but ourselves. We’re getting what we gave.
Back when Christianity was the dominant cultural religion, we often used our power to shut down those who advocated opposing agendas. We’d raise a fuss and force a college to disinvite a commencement speaker who advocated a godless agenda. We’d pressure sponsors to stop advertising on television shows we didn’t like. We’d boycott non-Christian companies for making non-Christian decisions.
Now we’re on the receiving end. As I write this, a TV show has recently been canceled because of the evangelical leanings of the host. A pastor has been disinvited from praying at the presidential inauguration because he had the audacity to teach what the Bible says about sexuality. And a national chain is under fire because the owners have donated to ballot measures considered antigay.
I often wonder what would have happened if we’d had the wisdom of Daniel when we were in control. What if we’d been tolerant in the biblical sense of the word? What if, rather than trying to silence those we strongly disagreed with, we’d let them have their say, secure in the knowledge that truth has nothing to fear?
My bet is we’d still be out of favor. But we’d have a far more level playing field from which to speak to the sins and issues of our day.
It’s a mistake Daniel never made. He let pagans live like pagans, while living his own godly life in full view. Which is why when the time came for him to step forward and speak up, he’d already earned the right to be heard.
*Are you tolerant in the Biblical sense of the word?
Source: Thriving in Babylon by Larry Osbourne

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