
Wednesday, July 22, 2015

gOiNg aGaiNsT tHe tiDE!

This tweet from Tera Carissa got me in deep thought about what it truly takes to be an achiever. In reality nobody ever achieved any great feat by doing exactly what every other person around them did. Over the years i have come to one solid conclusion that the common denominator in every winner's life is simply an 'EDGE'. My  childhood gaming days comes to mind as a good example of what it means to have an edge. Back when the video game 'Street Fighter' was a thing i only knew how to use two moves  and one player (Dhalsim) in all my games. He was the grown Avatar looking dude who could Extend punches and kicks beyond his reach, teleport and stay suspended in the air. All i knew to do was throw those long punches and teleport, and i became so good and fast at those two moves that was all i really needed to win.

The story referenced in the tweet above covers the story of a blind man in Jericho named Bartimaeus who during Jesus' visit against all odds and public opinion regained his sight. We only read about him today because he was bold enough to do something about his situation howbeit yelling like a mad man on the streets.
There are 3 things Bartimaeus had that made a difference to his situation which we can also learn from:

1. Information: He had heard of the exploits and knew of the power Jesus carried. He also heard that Jesus was in town, he also recognized the opportunity of a life time.

2. Faith/Conviction: Armed with this information, He was convinced that an encounter with this Jesus would solve his problems. In an era when Miracles and Christ was considered uncool he wasn't ashamed of his Faith and conviction.

3. Tenacity: Against all odds and pressure to be quiet while he called for Jesus to save him he persisted until Jesus heard him and called for him to come close after which he miraculously re-gained his sight.

These three (3) things can be generally summarized in one word: PASSION. what dreams, ideas or courses do you feel driven to achieve? what challenges do you have to contend with on a daily basis?
The story of blind Bartimaeus teaches us that in the choir of life, only people bold enough to sing solos get the chance get noticed..
In the history of humanity, every great man from Einstein to Walt Disney; from Steve Jobs to Mark Zuckerberg; has had to swim against the tide of popular opinion to attain greatness. whatever you find yourself doing sometimes the best path to that destination is the road less travelled.


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