
Thursday, June 20, 2013

f*&k oUr fANs!!! - Game of Thrones

when George R. R. Martin (GRRM), the primary writer of Game of Thrones decided to kill the entire 'story valuable' cast of Game of Thrones, he must have been under the influence of some premium product, or at least thats what i think cause it made absolutely no sense, so much so that even Ryan seacrest went after him in an interview to find out why. and Yeah thats an unapologetic spoiler for all y'all who haven't seen the latest season of GoT. Despite all we have done as fans to make the show so popular as seen in the analysis below from social baker, its pretty obvious the writer doesn't give a rat's ass about the viewers. 

Ok lets say we gave GRRM the benefit of doubt and say he was trying to clear a path for the emergence of the Dragon Queen in the next season the extreme gore experienced only comparable to the worthless blood letting available in Spartacus was absolutely unnecessary especially not at the hands of an almost unknown entity in the series. That said, GRRM i hope you never see another supply of what ever you smoked before ruining this season of GoT for us.

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