
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

niGeRiaN fAvOurS...

The sad part about doing people favors is that you are liable to face the same insults people who get paid to do exactly the same thing would face if ever anything goes wrong. The thing about doing any business transaction in Nigeria is people's words are never good enough.

Over the years i have learned to stop hating on ruthless business men. even though i have never really been a fan of being an entrepreneurial bull i totally see the reason why some people choose to be totally merciless. Everytime some one approaches me for favours i take off even before they complete the famous 'Please could you do me a favor speech' especially since i do not desire to have a sour relationship with them at that point in time. A great part of being an up and comer has to do with delayed gratification, ass-kissing and ... but the truth is just like with everything in life there is a time and season, and the concept of delayed gratification has its own short window in any life. 

What am i saying in essence? 'Sell you self for free, NEVER for cheap!!!' People generally dont give a flipping blip about you and no one owes you anything not even your parents save for bringing you into this world and putting you through school. So if you ever feel the need to do stuff for free in exchange for the joy of having that sense of entitlement that some one owes you think again!

Don't sell yOuRseLf sHoRt!!


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