
Thursday, January 23, 2014

wHAT HaVe i bEEn uP to?

almost a full month into 2014 i have found myself biting a lot more than i can chew and nothing about that thought makes me uneasy. I am currently working on two projects i consider a lot bigger than me in so many ramifications but I trust God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all i can think or imagine. Even as i write this in my mind's eye i can see that everything i would work on this year would have a global effect some how.
Sometimes complaining about the situation of things in your environment is a waste of breathe. So i have opted for the option of making a difference in my immediate sphere of contact. Like someone once said be the change you would like to see in others.
Finally i would just like to encourage you to endeavor to go beyond just dreaming Big by taking small daily steps towards achieving your goals. There will never ever be a perfect time to achieve any worthwhile feat.


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