
Wednesday, October 1, 2014

LiViNg oN bORRoWeD tiME

Some mornings i wake up feeling like i'm living on borrowed time. Well maybe i am 'cos these days it all seems like one minute you are making jokes with friends and then the next minute you read from on a blog that your friend is gone. 
There has to be more in this Life than just subsistence. Yeah i said that, no matter how much wealth you have amassed for yourself or are hoping to amass, if you haven't given any thought & action to how much that wealth will touch or change the lives of people in your sphere of contact (and not just your family) you are just subsisting.
I have come to learn that 'our time here on earth is indeed a transaction'. You have breathe in exchange for a chance to live a life of impact using your gifts as a means of basic exchange and a chance at Eternal Investment. A typical scenario:

You are a gifted singer, somehow you rise to fame and become a world renowned pop icon, and the big bucks roll in faster than you can spend it, Yes! you have arrived but there is indeed a lot more that you can do than buying cars, paying sibling school fees, or even hooking your friends up. The best courses are the ones that outlive you and your gifts. People are dying every second in Liberia, Guinea all from Ebola, perhaps there are communities who before the Epidermic were followers or your music, but these people don't trust the government agencies perhaps adding your voice to that of the government will help them listen to how they can survive this epidermic. Surely having a million followers on social media is not just for bragging rights...

You see it may all seem like 'YOLO' and 'One life to Live' and then death, but i'm sure most doubt that you won't give account of the time you have spent here on earth. So as you go about your activities remember that every second of every day you are privileged to be alive you should constantly seek to exchange that breathe for a life of impact. You only live Once but if you live right Once is enough.


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