
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

tHe gOspel aCCoRdiNg to Emma UgOLee

Emma Ugolee is someone i have developed deep respect for over time. This morning i read a piece he posted on Facebook and i couldn't resist the urge to share it exactly the way he wrote it, and where he wrote. I hope this touches someone.


Tuesday, January 6, 2015

HoLyHoLLa PLuGGedin cONceRt.

First let me wish you all a Happy New Year. My colleagues and I have been busy in the last 2weeks. Last weekend we had the rare privilege of playing host to the secular & gospel community at our Pluggedin concert which held on Saturday the 3rd of January 2015 at the Silverbird Galleria. For those who missed it, I have uploaded 48 pictures for your viewing pleasure. Let me know your thoughts in the comment boxes. You can also watch the concert at the following youtube channel-

- @gozzim

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